Statement on Lawsuit
to the general public
The messages I have received have shown that there is a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation about the case. Please don’t believe everything you read or hear. Instead, find reputable sources of information about the case, review them, and make an informed judgment. For example, you can find out about the case at
to those who have filled my inbox with vile, hate-filled messages
If we disagree, we should be able to do so civilly. That is the mark of a healthy and free society. And while I think people should always strive to treat each other with politeness and consideration, and speak in ways reflecting that, I will always affirm one’s right to freely speak. All I am asking for is that same freedom.
to my clients
I am very sorry that some people are so intolerant of my beliefs – beliefs shared by many Jews, Muslims, Christians, and nonreligious people in this country and the throughout the world. As you know, I try to treat everyone with respect and I wish they would do the same. Please contact me if you have concerns.
to members of the media who have reached out to me
For media requests, please contact Alliance Defending Freedom, [email protected].